One of the students who studied there said it was easy to secure admission and get a degree without attending class. This fascinating course was hand-crafted and designed specifically for all animal lovers and enthusiasts. While it is still a relatively new career option in India, the concept of pet grooming is slowly gaining popularity.
Top 10 most regretted and most loved college degrees Journalism turns out to be the most regretted!
Around the world, students are increasingly pondering the returns on a degree versus the cost. Higher education has often sparked controversy globally, including in the US, where for-profit institutions have faced government investigations. These ratios are pretty evident in showing that for the majority of the students these top colleges are only a far fetched dream. “We do know, however, that the emphasis has been on meeting targets and pushing people through the programme, with no clarity on them securing jobs or gaining employable skills,” says Basole of the Centre for Sustainable Employment.